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TuentiPack eliminado oficialmente.

TuentiPack, el complemento de Mozilla Firefox para que podamos personalizar el Tuenti se encuentra definitivamente desactivado. Además, ha sido retirado de la página de descargas de Firefox.

La retirada de TPack ha sido ocasionada por supuestos problemas legales de nombre y funciones. Pese a haber sido retirado de su página oficial, y de haberse cerrado, aún se pueden encontrar nuemerosos enlaces donde podremos descargarlo; pero suponemos que por poco tiempo. Aquí os dejamos algunos:

Descargar TuentiPack
- Descargar TuentiPack

8 comentarios:

TuentiTrucos dijo...

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Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...


Anónimo dijo...

lol no funciona :l bueno es igual...gracias

Anónimo dijo...

:t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t :t

Anónimo dijo...


Sakira dijo...

Wow thats extremely wonderful I actually have detected a brand new app nomao camera application for android this app is nice and that i have started gazing it.Thanks for the assistance and suggesting the matter i'll travel with it.Keep publication and writing new article.

Nawazz dijo...

Ohh My God Your Still missing this app Gaana Music Mod Apk

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¡Gana TuentiCreditos "Gratis" registrandote aquí!

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